International Day of Education: AI And Education
Friday the 24th marks International Day Of Education; this year's theme centres around AI and its uses in education which is something we at The Code Zone are very interested in!

Friday the 24th marks International Day Of Education; this year's theme centres around AI and its uses in education which is something we at The Code Zone are very interested in! Though we don't utilise AI itself in our Game Dev Clubs or the games we make, we understand its importance in an ever-evolving society and believe it is essential to teach ourselves how to understand and integrate AI into our lives through the power of code. It is also important for us to understand how much young people already interact with AI; it was shown in the 2024 Annual Literacy Surveys that over a 77% of children aged 13-18 have used generative AI. So instead of rejecting AI or being fearful of it - it is time we embraced its nuances and find ways for it to benefit our lives and education. We want to make sure that our youth are learning the skills needed - such as computer programming - in order to be equipped for an AI-driven future.
Though AI is an amazing tool, it does still make mistakes from time to time - mostly surrounding logical problem solving as well as creativity. This is where computer programmers shine - as they will have the know-how to over come these problems. As coders will be the ones building AI, they will also understand its flaws and quirks and be able to innovate new and interesting ways to push the boundaries of AI. In addition, human programmers have the ability to think outside the box - problem solving and creativity is at the core of coders, especially here at The Code Zone!
It is important to note that AI doesn't just build itself overnight - it needs a team of dedicated coders in order to make it functional. Whilst low-level coding tasks may become increasingly automated, there will still always be a demand for human developers as humans are still needed to create, train, and maintain AI systems. AI is already used in a plethora of industries such as medicine where we already have AI powered disinfection robots as well as city infrastructures where AI is used to collect and distribute information around smart cities. With this in mind, the rise of AI creates a pool of job opportunities for those interested in computers, video games and coding - another reason to start learning to code early on!
Let us mentor you on how to be ready for an AI-future or maybe be an AI-innovator yourself with one of our Game Dev Clubs. We offer free taster sessions where your child can chat with one of our STEM-certified mentors and see for themselves how our clubs work - get in touch today to book your taster session!